Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day 2014 - Green cities for a healthier future...

Every year, April 22 we celebrate Earth day, a day aimed to inspire awareness of and appreciation for earth's environment. In 2014, the theme of the day is Green cities; type of cities that has the cleanest and most efficient energy, transportation and building structure possible.  Already there are several cities in the world, which satisfies the requirements of a green city.

Difference between a normal city and green city

One of the main difference between a normal city and green city is, usually a green city is powered by renewable energy sources like Solar, hydroelectric power and geothermal energy. Eco-friendly cities utilize these energy sources to be more sustainable and efficient and reliable micro grids are used to distribute the energy. Solar energy is probably the easiest energy to obtain and it can be used in both smaller and larger functions of daily life. Cities like Chicago, Vancouver and Philadelphia have solar powered trash compactors along side of the road.

A green city is connected by clean and accessible public transportation networks and is
biking- and walking-friendly. Sustainable cities have better and easier public transportation from subways to metros; Los Angeles has lanes specifically for their buses and Portland, Oregon utilized its city’s layout to make light rails and Metro, use an easier and more efficient option as opposed to automobiles.  Biking is given priority in these cities opposed to vehicular transportation. Biking in high density urban areas can be a challenge if there are no viable options other than riding in the street, which often angers drivers and is a safety risk.

Globally, buildings are responsible for one-third of greenhouse gas emissions. Buildings typically do not rely on renewable energy sources for their power and most buildings don’t use energy efficiently. However, buildings in a green city are energy efficient, conserve water and reduce waste.

Cities like Portland, Copenhagen, Vancouver, Melbourne and Barcelona are some of the green cities in the world. These cities are healthier, more affordable, and more pleasant places to live.

Taking Sri Lanka towards the ultimate green status

JLanka Technologies is a company committed to taking Sri Lanka towards the ultimate green status. They provide solar energy solutions to residencies and commercial buildings, to be able to live a sustainable life and at the same time save the Earth. Using the latest technology and global expertise, JLanka leads the way to achieve the green targets in Sri Lanka. The company have also received global recognition for their service through awards like Green Leadership Award of AsiaResponsible Entrepreneurship Awards 2014 — South Asia, and World Water Day — Excellence Service Award 2014 from SUNFO.

In the future we will also have living buildings, buildings which will operate as living organisms, monitoring performance and adapting to our needs in real time, saving us energy and money, Self-driving electric cars with no exhaust pipes, no carbon dioxide emissions, no gas stations, and no car accidents , high speed long distance travel,  through solar-powered pods that travel through elevated, depressurized tubes and energy independent homes, adorned with solar panels, small-scale wind turbines and other sources of electrical generation. Then we won't  feel like we are living on the Earth anymore. It will be a much more healthier and nicer place to live! 


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